Knowledge Base
Missing / blank <meta> description tag found
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) score based on largest content load time is normal (< 4 secs)
All externals URLs like images, pdf, etc. found and accessible on tags of the Web Pages
All URLs are found and accessible on tags of Web Pages
All found images are accessible
Success. <title> tag is > 20 characters
No missing or blank <title> tag found
No blocks on Google bot by <meta> tags detected
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) score based on content load time is normal (less than 2.5 secs)
Success. <meta> description tag have length < 120 characters
No redirects or multiple chaining redirects found linking to another page
Success. <title> tag is < 60 characters
All <img> (Image) tags found with alt attributes
Absence of nofollow attribute in <meta> tags of web pages allowed in robots.txt
Success. <meta> description tag > 70 characters
Absence of noindex attribute in <meta> tags of Web Pages allowed in robots.txt